Posts in 'Event'


ArtStart is All About the Art! Our fall fundraiser is inspired by the creativity of the young artists at PIC. On October 17, enjoy an exhibition of children's work displayed gallery-style around the chapel next to PIC--every child will have a piece in the show! Classrooms are busy working on these...
Hand addressing of ArtStart invitations must be suspended this year.
The Academy of Natural Sciences and Moms Clean Air Force present an Urban Sustainability Forum panel discussion on air pollution and children’s health.
There are plenty of ways that PIC families are involved in organizing ArtStart, PIC's fall fundraiser. They join the event committe, which this year is being led by Leila Graham-Willis and Hien Lu. Also serving on this year's committee are Robert Chaney, Kristen Feemster, Jennifer Feldman, Clara...
Join us this year on October 17 from 5:30 - 8:00 pm for a very special event! This year, in addition to celebrating creativity and community will also celebrate 35 years of providing high quality child care to the families that live and work in West Philadelphia. Spend a Thursday night out admiring...