COVID-19 Supports for Families

- ARCPoint Labs of Trenton-Hamilton
- Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium
- CHOP Roberts Center for Pediatric Research
- CHOP-Buerger Center
Walk-ins (3-11 pm weekdays) - CHOP - other locations
- Cibotti Recreation Center
- Curative at Citizens Bank Park
- Drexel Mobile Testing Unit
Free Rapid Testing - The Grace Center Church and Wellness Center
2821 Island Ave | Walk-ins (9 am - 1 pm) - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
- Jefferson mobile testing
- Jefferson Hospital TeleHealth
- LabCorp
- Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital
- Penn Medicine Testing
- list of testing sites
- Phila Dept of Public Health on Twitter
for pop-up locations - PMPediatrics
- Pop up testing sites from 15 to Know
- Sayre Health Center
- School District of Philadelphia
- Test Now and Go
- Vybe Mobile Clinic
- CDC Recommends Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine
- Pediatric Vaccine Resources (Office of Early Childhood Development)
- About COVID-19 VACCINE (City of Philadelphia)
- PA Department of Public Health Vaccine Info
- About COVID-19 vaccine distribution (City of Philadelphia)
- CHOP Vaccine Program
- Chester & Delaware Counties Vaccine and Children
- walk-up vaccination clinics at City Health Centers 3, 6, 5, and 10.
Clinics run M-F, 8 am – 1 pm. If you’re bringing a young child to get vaccinated, call (215) 685-2933 to ask about availability. - Search for Vaccines (CDC)
- Children's Playhouse Vaccine/Booster Registration (8/13)
2502 S. Marshall Street 19148, 9 am -12 pm - CHOP Vaccine Scheduler
- City of Phila COVID-19 Vaccine Sign-up
- CVS Vaccine Scheduler
- Rite Aid COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduler
- School District of Philadelphia Vaccine Events
- Walgreens Vaccine Scheduler
Useful information about COVID-19
- American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Children website
- Center for Disease Control Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- World Health Organization
- PA Department of Health website
- City of Philadelphia website
- Updates and FAQs from Penn
Talking to Children about COVID-19
- Audrey Duck tells Dr. Susan Linn that "I'm Tired of the Virus"
(Defending the Early Years) - Dr. Susan Linn and Audrey Duck Talking about the Coronavirus for kids
(Defending the Early Years) - Piggy and Bunny and the Stay-at-Home Story
- Coronavirus Is a Big Word Social Story
(Conscious Discipline) - Shubert and Sophie Stay Home Social Story
(Conscious Discipline) - Time to Come in Bear
A video story for kids about staying at home right now. - Coping with COVID-19 from Sesame Street
- Tips for Families: Coronovirus (Zero to Three)
- CHOP Child Life Talking Points
- Talking To Children about the Coronavirus (The Week)
- Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus (Child Mind Institute)
Mental Health & Wellness
- Managing Stress (Centers for Disease Control)
- What is Telemental Health? (National Institute of Mental Health)
- Caring for Yourself While Caring for Your Children (Zero to Three - English)
- Caring for Yourself While Caring for Your Children (Zero to Three - Spanish)
- 24 hr. Mental Health Delegate Hot Line: 215-685-6440
- Health and wellness tips for parents (
- Grief Support for Motherless Mothers
Former PIC parent Susanna Gilbertson, MSW is offering affordable grief support for motherless mothers.
Supports for families:
- FREE Virtual tutoring for students K-12 (
- Free, nutritious food during COVID-19 (
No ID or income eligibility required - No Hungry Kid
Food assistance for children - Protect yourself financially from the impact of the coronavirus
Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - During school closures, Kindergarten registration is ONLINE
- Tips for digital learning while Philly schools are closed (
- COVID-19 Toolkit for families (Children FIRST)
- How to Get Health Insurance (Children FIRST)