Professional Development - Meet Manny

Manny Harris headshot

I am always learning; learning from the children, learning from my colleagues, and learning from professional development opportunities.

The importance of professional development among teachers cannot be overstated. It is how they stay current in the field, refine their craft, and share ideas and inspiration with their colleagues. Through professional development teachers enrich the experience of the children in their care.

Last summer, Emmanuel "Manny" Harris (a former PIC teacher who is the now the After School Program Coordinator) went to Atlanta, Georgia to attend the annual conference of the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA). He had an opportunity to learn more about the Reggio Emilia early care and education philosophy, originated in Italy.

PIC is a Reggio-inspired center, and while Manny is very familiar with Reggio Emilia, the conference deepened his knowledge and understanding. He listened to experts in the field from Italy, and visited Reggio centers around Atlanta where he saw new ways he could incorporate the approach into his own classroom. Manny was excited to expand his knowledge in this way and share what he learned with fellow PIC teachers upon his return.

In Manny’s words, “I am always learning; learning from the children, learning from my colleagues, and learning from professional development opportunities.”

Sending teachers to conferences involves registration fees, flights, meals, and accommodations. They can be costly but their value is undeniable. With your help, we can give more teachers opportunities to grow professionally, improve their practice, and give their children the highest quality care.

Support our teachers and you support our children.

Manny feels fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in professional development programs and looks forward to more down the road. He is thankful to know that the Deb Green Fund for Teachers will allow for so many more teachers to expand their knowledge of the early childhood field.