Putting Children First

The Parent Infant Center joined with fellow child-serving organizations to tell Mayor Kenney that the “message sent by the shooting of Walter Wallace is that our children cannot rely on anyone, even the government, to protect their loved ones in a time of mental health crisis.”

Our friends at PCCY called together over 30 organizations to sign a letter to the Mayor sent on December 1 requesting a meeting to to explore ways to reassure children that police officers can and must protect them and their parents in times of crisis.

An excerpt of the letter: "We believe it is urgent that we meet with you to discuss ways that the City can demonstrate to children that this is a community where they can feel safe for themselves and those they care about; that they can count on those working for the City to protect them and their families from harm; and that we truly value every life."

A meeting with the Mayor is now being scheduled.

See the letter and the organizations that supported this action.